Come On In and Stay A While

Welcome to the blog of Staja Studios. We are STAcey and JAson Thon, the dynamic duo (self proclaimed) behind Staja Studios! This blog serves as our way to keep in touch with everyone we know, like, and love. We thought it would be a fun way for people who know us to keep up with what is going on in our lives and studio, and a wonderful way for those of you who may have just met us to learn more about who we are.
We would like to bring together our professional and personal lives. You can expect to see pictures from our latest weddings, engagement shoots, portraits, etc. As well as some personal, fine art, family pics, and other projects. In addition, we will be sharing our "Cheers and Jeers", and other random ramblings about whatever strikes our fancy. In the future we are also looking for ways to make things more interactive, if you will. This may include voting for a particular marketing piece, contests, and various other activities.
Thank you all for stopping by, and don't forget to - Get Captured!
- Jason & Stacey Thon

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

My Dolly is Feeling Better!

Disclaimer: The following story contains some graphic bodily function content (but no nudity or swearing) so if reading about excrement of any fashion grosses you out, you should probably quit reading now.

Okay, so last Wednesday Lauren woke up complaining about her tummy hurting, which naturally I didn't really believe, since the child has never once been sick in her entire 4.5 years. Sure she's had a handful of fevers and a couple of colds each winter, but never sick sick. Anyway, we get all ready for preschool and she's still complaining, so I told her she could stay home, but she had to lay in her bed with no TV. (I was still questioning whether or not she had discovered the age old method of ditching school to spend the day with Scooby and his friends).

The whole morning comes and goes, as does lunch. Nothin. She seems just fine. Then about an hour after we eat, I'm on the phone with a client in my office when she comes flying in, eyes as big as saucers. She's got her hands over her mouth and has left a substantial trail of vomit from the couch in the family room through the entire house and on toward the bathroom. Poor thing. She has no idea what's going on, since, like I said, she's never been sick! So, here I am on the phone trying not to freak out. I quietly prod her toward the bathroom, and as abruptly as I can tell my client I'll call her back.

When I get back to the bathroom I find Lauren hanging her head over the sink and there is smoke rising from it?? The curling iron I had plugged in right before the phone rang had fallen into the sink and was now completely covered with smoking hot hurl! Nice.

The next day, Lauren was feeling MUCH better. Of course this stomach flu wasn't a one day event. If it's wasn't coming out one end, it was coming out the other. Needless to say, I was using Ian's diaper cream on Lauren's sore little hiney for the next two days and (completely inadvertently) happened to leave the tube sitting on the side of the sink. You right next to the toothbrushes??

Monday morning Jason comes flying out of the bathroom making the most HORRIFIC noises! He seemed to be foaming at the mouth??! "PAPER TOWEL, PAPER TOWEL!! I JUST BRUSHED MY TEETH WITH BUTT CREAM!!"

Seriously, I think I peed my pants. As a matter of fact, I'm still laughing at the poor guy and so are all of Lauren's teachers, since she decided to share it with her entire class that day:)

This could very well be my last blog post. Once Jason reads this he will probably change the password on me!:) It was worth it though. I was dying to tell someone, so I figured, why not tell EVERYONE!?!


Here's a shot of daddy and Lauren watching the parade at Animal Kingdom last month:)


Katrina said...

OH MY GOODNESS! That is so hillarious! Thanks for the laugh =)

I'm so glad your family is healthy again, that is not a fun thing to go through! And I'm trying not to imagine what burning vomit smells like, ew!

ohana photographers said...

love.this.image!! i would totally make a print of this. so perfect jason!

Travis Johansen said...

Thanks for the funny story and laugh.
Lets hope Jason doesn't change the password- this was a great post :)