Come On In and Stay A While

Welcome to the blog of Staja Studios. We are STAcey and JAson Thon, the dynamic duo (self proclaimed) behind Staja Studios! This blog serves as our way to keep in touch with everyone we know, like, and love. We thought it would be a fun way for people who know us to keep up with what is going on in our lives and studio, and a wonderful way for those of you who may have just met us to learn more about who we are.
We would like to bring together our professional and personal lives. You can expect to see pictures from our latest weddings, engagement shoots, portraits, etc. As well as some personal, fine art, family pics, and other projects. In addition, we will be sharing our "Cheers and Jeers", and other random ramblings about whatever strikes our fancy. In the future we are also looking for ways to make things more interactive, if you will. This may include voting for a particular marketing piece, contests, and various other activities.
Thank you all for stopping by, and don't forget to - Get Captured!
- Jason & Stacey Thon

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kat and Jeff

Another fabulous day for an engagement session and another fabulous couple! What can I say other than we have the best job in the entire world:)

Kat and Jeff are so affectionate, their love for each other just oozes out of them! We started our afternoon near the Guthrie Theatre and headed east over the river to St. Anthony Main area. The whole place was just teaming with activity. From a Segway Tour to a high school prom, we saw it all! Being from a small, quiet town, this is something that always makes me feel so grateful that I live in Minneapolis. Doesn't matter what day it is, if it's nice outside, there are people out enjoying it. I just love the bustle of a big(ger) city! Before heading back over the Stone Arch Bridge, we stopped at Pracna's for the yummiest rootbeer floats ever! Jason and I had a great time and hope Kat and Jeff feel the same.

Please enjoy some images from the afternoon.


1 comment:

Katrina said...

The sepia toned image second from last is fantastic! And I love the one of him beeping her nose =)