So today's class assignment was to come up with what they call a DipTych (spelling?). What it is, is a full magazine spread where one page sets the mood, and the other page compliments it but usually focuses your attention on the physical item they are advertising, not as much on the person. This is a quick mock up that I came up with when I got home. If I come up with any more I will post them, but in the meantime, here's my first go. Let me know what you think!

Thanks for taking a peek! - Jason
Great work darling. Seems you might just be a natural at the fashion stuff. But I already knew that!:)
fantastic images jason!!!
If I want to buy the purse, does that mean you have done a good job?
Thanks everyone! Christina, I think you may have to wrestle that bag from the model, I think she likes it!
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