Come On In and Stay A While

Welcome to the blog of Staja Studios. We are STAcey and JAson Thon, the dynamic duo (self proclaimed) behind Staja Studios! This blog serves as our way to keep in touch with everyone we know, like, and love. We thought it would be a fun way for people who know us to keep up with what is going on in our lives and studio, and a wonderful way for those of you who may have just met us to learn more about who we are.
We would like to bring together our professional and personal lives. You can expect to see pictures from our latest weddings, engagement shoots, portraits, etc. As well as some personal, fine art, family pics, and other projects. In addition, we will be sharing our "Cheers and Jeers", and other random ramblings about whatever strikes our fancy. In the future we are also looking for ways to make things more interactive, if you will. This may include voting for a particular marketing piece, contests, and various other activities.
Thank you all for stopping by, and don't forget to - Get Captured!
- Jason & Stacey Thon

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Lyra: Inside and Out

Baby Lyra (not pronounced like the Italian currency) is here! She is the proud owner of two great parents, Katrina and John, my dear friends from Studio Laguna She's also lucky enough to have two awesome sibs, Cooper and Ainsley.

A few months ago, (before Lyra graced us with her presence) I met up with the fam on a cold, blustery day at the Guthrie. What a great spot for indoor photography! Fast forward to last month and bammo, the family of four has turned to a family of five. Crazy and wonderful all at the same time, right Katrina?? :) Here are some shot of Lyra inside and out. Oh, and her adoring family too!


Baby Lyra!

Tell us how you REALLY feel Lyra!

Here is Ainsley. She's a very busy little thinker:)

And Cooper, the silly goose:)


Laura Ivanova said...

Wow! These are beautiful. Love the first shot

ohana photographers said...

beautiful session my friend!! the 3rd image is my fav it made me smile!

Katrina said...

the shot of Cooper looking between his legs is awesome! I love seeing Lyra in images, you got some great expressions out of her! We just adore our pregnancy session, and thank you so much for being a part of our lives!