Come On In and Stay A While

Welcome to the blog of Staja Studios. We are STAcey and JAson Thon, the dynamic duo (self proclaimed) behind Staja Studios! This blog serves as our way to keep in touch with everyone we know, like, and love. We thought it would be a fun way for people who know us to keep up with what is going on in our lives and studio, and a wonderful way for those of you who may have just met us to learn more about who we are.
We would like to bring together our professional and personal lives. You can expect to see pictures from our latest weddings, engagement shoots, portraits, etc. As well as some personal, fine art, family pics, and other projects. In addition, we will be sharing our "Cheers and Jeers", and other random ramblings about whatever strikes our fancy. In the future we are also looking for ways to make things more interactive, if you will. This may include voting for a particular marketing piece, contests, and various other activities.
Thank you all for stopping by, and don't forget to - Get Captured!
- Jason & Stacey Thon

Thursday, February 07, 2008

My Boys

It's been a while since I posted pictures of our boy child. He has grown and changed sooo much in the last three months. It feels like yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital. Oh, who am I kidding, it feels like yesterday that we brought LAUREN home! Time seems to go faster and faster with every passing year. Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm not even going to start on the whole age thing and how I can't believe that I'm not 26 anymore! (not even close). My darling husband is taking me out for dinner and a movie sans kiddos and I can not wait :) We're going to see Juno, which we heard is really good. I haven't decided on the restaurant yet. Bummer it's supposed to be subzero yet again this weekend. Whatever though...we live in Minnesota, what do you expect??

Anyway, here are my boys watching the Super Bowl.

As you can see, Mom is still MUCH more interesting than the Giants:))

My boys!

And here's a few of baby Ian. He's totally into his excersaucer. Just can't take his eyes off that kitty cat.


Anonymous said...

Ooooh!!! He is getting so big. You certainly have another star. His pictures are as cute as his big sister, but than again look who's taking the pictures. Great job. Gramma loves them, the kids and the pictures.
P.S. Have a great day Friday. Hope you get some Mommy time.
Love to all, Gramma Jan & Rick

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pic update! I love them! Happy Birthday!

Love Ya,
Jess M

Ray Santana said...

He is a little cute stud!! :)