Well, I feel like I've been on a distant planet somewhere for the last three weeks and have just returned home. Here is the full scoop on the arrival of our gorgeous baby boy:)
Sunday, Oct 28th was a really busy day for us. We went to Lauren's friend, Reese's, 3rd birthday party, then we headed over to a Confirmation brunch for Jason's cousin, Matt, and then straight to Aunt Ruth's house to carve pumpkins with the rest of the Thon clan. When we finally got home and settled in for some Desperate Housewives, it wasn't long before my contractions started. By 1am, they seemed to be close enough to head to the hospital. Sadly, by 7am, they were pretty much non-existent. Thankfully, my fabulous OB agreed to get the party started anyway and by 11:29am Ian had landed:) Funny thing about me and labor, it never seems to last long enough for me to feel like I've had the full experience. I'm a "one push" kind of girl. I know I should be so grateful for that, since some people push for hour after hour, but one push...really??? Well, no matter how they arrive, feeling your baby set on top of your belly for the very first time is something so miraculous that it can not be described. It's the most wonderful experience I have EVER had. We spent Monday and Tuesday in the hospital and arrived home in time to go trick-or-treating with Lauren. He has been a man on the go ever since.
I'm very happy to report that (we think) he has figured out that daytime is for being awake and night time is for sleeping. We are getting chunks of 3 or 4 hours at night now. I guess that probably doesn't sound so fabulous to people without a newborn, but for us it's awesome!
Many people have been asking us for more pictures of Ian and here they are. It's crazy how quickly the little guy has changed. He's only three weeks old on Monday, but already has lost that raw chicken/alien baby look. It's kinda sad.
Okay, I'm sharing these photos of me looking REALLY bad, so no nasty comments okay?!! :)
After a LONG LONG night, and before being induced (aka pre-pain)
Post epidural and about T minus 15 minutes
Ian! About 30 seconds old!
Three very happy and tired Thons
Lauren came to the hospital to meet her new baby brother. So far she still loves him:)
She was really stoked when she found out he came bearing gifts...namely the Hungry Hungry Hippo game she's been eyeing for months.
Our family
Here's a little progression of our boy. I still can't get over how quickly he's growing and changing. This is Ian one day old.
Very first bath at home 3 days old
His signature look. 7 days old
10 days old
15 days old
Lauren with "her baby"
17 days old
I had to hold back the tears looking at those photos of Ian just born and Stacey holding him. What an amazing moment you go Jason! A screw it I think I'll just cry already. I love the rest of the photos too! You two have a beautiful gift and Lauren is pretty sinkn' great too. Congrats again!
yay! Thanks for all the terrific photos! i just love your growing family!
What a perfect, beautiful little guy!! Unreal how much he seems to have already grown. With two such wonderful children I know you have lots to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Tell Lauren and Ian Gramma Jan will be there soon to spoil them as much as she can - it's my job...
Love to you all, Gramma
Congratulations to you all and thanks for sharing teh beautiful pictures!! I hope you can make my skin look as perfect as his. I love his "signature look" - he is a kisser!
Nina G.
How lovely! What a wonderful addition to your beautiful family. All the best to your families for a very special Thanksgiving this year.
Steve Niedorf
jason, the images are so awesome. what a beautiful family. we wish you all many blessings!
Congratulations… what a beautiful family you have! And what a wonderful way to share with everyone your story- Happy Holidays and get some sleep.
Jodi Lewis
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