Welcome to the blog of Staja Studios. We are STAcey and JAson Thon, the dynamic duo (self proclaimed) behind Staja Studios! This blog serves as our way to keep in touch with everyone we know, like, and love. We thought it would be a fun way for people who know us to keep up with what is going on in our lives and studio, and a wonderful way for those of you who may have just met us to learn more about who we are.
We would like to bring together our professional and personal lives. You can expect to see pictures from our latest weddings, engagement shoots, portraits, etc. As well as some personal, fine art, family pics, and other projects. In addition, we will be sharing our "Cheers and Jeers", and other random ramblings about whatever strikes our fancy. In the future we are also looking for ways to make things more interactive, if you will. This may include voting for a particular marketing piece, contests, and various other activities.
Thank you all for stopping by, and don't forget to - Get Captured!
So I figured it is time to put a final wrap on WPPI 2008. It all started on Sunday March 16th. We started that day with the Twin Cities Bridal Association Wedding Fair. After meeting a bunch of new people and putting in a long day, I caught a 9:20 flight out to Sin City. Unfortunately Stacey wasn't able to come this year. It would have been tough with Ian. I caught a cab at about midnight and went straight to the Club Rogue party at the Palms. It was still going strong and I ran into my friends Dave and Kristen from Onsite Minnesota.
The convention was held at Bally's / Paris for the last time, as next year it is going to be moved to the MGM. My first session was with the wonderful husband/wife team of Michael + Anna Costa. Not only are they very talented but extremely nice to boot! Later in the day, I had my one on one mentoring session with Nathan Holritz of Holritz Photography. Nathan and Amber are another husband/wife team who have built a very nice business for themselves. He had so many good suggestions and ideas. Plus his time was donated for the Thirst Relief auction. The photography community has really gotten behind this cause. From there, I was off to the Pictage Party at Club Risque. I met a on of people. One of who was the very St. Patty's Day spirited Corey McNabb. Corey and Nathan's wife, Amber, are currently on the Rockstar Tour right now! While a few of us were talking, my friend (and should be future publicist) Matthew Wagner, took this video while someone was checking out our new business card. It was pretty sweet!
After a long day, I was off to the Blu Party with some great photographers and friends from Minneapolis. Judd and Eliesa of Photogen Inc (with the funky cool glasses), Erin from Erin Johnson Photography, and yours truly! I ran into Dawn Davis who along with her husband Bob, run the famous La Storia Foto out of Chicago. It's hard to see on Dawn's, but we had almost matching Mens and Womens shirts on. The infamous Ray Santana, from Sunny Miami! I can't wait for Stacey and I to get back there one of these years and go hang out with him and his wife Anna. The party was held at the Parisian Palace, and it was sooooo cool. I noticed how soft and warm the light was at one point, and grabbed this shot of Eliesa and Erin. The beauty of fast glass and high ISO's! As we left the party, I saw my next car (hopefully someday at least), the fabulous Maserati sitting out in front! The next day, I hung around the Pictage booth a while and grabbed some shots that they wanted of some of their sponsored speakers (sorry if there are repeats). Here is the amazing Joe Buissink, with Bob Davis looking on. Dane Sanders talking with the mic. Mike Colon, who it was great to see again after the workshop. Robert T. Williams David Jay and Robert Evans Later that day, I got a chance to see Jesh De Rox, who is very inspirational and popularized the use of overlays within photography. That evening, I started by attending the PUG leaders get together at TAO (the sea bass skewers are awesome!) in the Venetian. It was great meeting the Pictage people I talk with all the time, and some of the other PUG leaders. On my way back, I called a friend and ended up spending the evening doing some web-site and work critiques with some old and new friends (In clockwise order: Matthew J. Wagner, Gretchen Del Carmen, myself, Matt's Wife Teresa, and Shawna Schaub in the middle). Gretchen shot the latest cover for the wonderful Grace Ormonde Wedding Style magazine. If you haven't had a chance to see it, the shoot she did with Mike Colon and Ray Santana in Puerto Rico was amazing. Wednesday morning started off with one of Australia's best: I had front row seats. A little video light demonstration And Jerry getting down and dirty. This year ended up with a night out and great dinner at Mon Ami Gabi (for any photographers interested in joining us next year, let me know. I plan on trying to make this an annual event!). Here is my workshop buddy Jeff Wendling (on the right) and studio partner, Brett, from T&J Studios in Valley Center, Kansas. Some new friends and great people, Craig and April Davis, from Studio 563 in Houston In addition, we were joined by Matthew and Theresa Wagner, and David Baxter of OHANA Photography.
After dinner, Mike Colon, David Escalante, Mike Steelman, and I went off to play a little poker. It was nice to catch up with Mike and his family during the week. Plus it was great to meet David and Mike S., despite none of us really shooting the lights out at the table. I made a few bucks but nothing to write home about.
To close things off, a shot of the Big B! Looking forward to next year everyone! P.S. A big shout out to my lovely wife for the time to go out, learn a lot, and meet so many new people. I would also be remiss to not mention some local friends who aren't pictured: Bjorn Meisner, Noemi, Michael B, and Melissa Johnson. I enjoyed spending some time with all of you, but unfortunately don't have pictures.
So, here is take two at the week of WPPI. I will start off with my first class on Monday morning with the fabulous Michael + Anna Costa. They are also a husband/wife team out of Santa Barbara. The class was a little storyline of where they started and how they got to where they are now. This is one couple who sure knows how to differentiate and brand their business. Plus they were as nice as could be. Photographers be sure to check out their new forum called "Photo for the People".
Michael and Anna starting the show
Anna afterwards talking to people Michael continuing the discussion after the show
Sorry the blog has been a bit on the slight side lately :(. I just got back from a hectic week in Vegas for WPPI. Needless to say there will be a plethora of posts over the next few days. I wanted to share some of the wonderful photographers that Pictage had speaking at their booth.
As some of you may know, Stacey and I are the leaders of a local photography group called the Minneapolis PUG (Pictage User Group). This is a group sponsored by our online lab, Pictage, out of LA.
We are SO EXCITED about this months meeting. Fellow Photographers, check out the meeting we have planned for March!
We are lucky enough to have Janet Mclaughlin, art director for Tiger Oak Publishing and Minnesota Bride magazine coming to speak to us. Janet will be speaking about what makes an effective ad, what trends they are seeing within weddings, and the editorial submission process. Not only is Minnesota Bride a great local magazine, but as a part of Tiger Oak, Janet has the additional insight of what is going on in places like Wisconsin, Seattle, and Arizona. It is not everyday that we get the opportunity to pick the brain of someone in her capacity, so this is very exciting!
Finally, I know that some of you have inquired about getting free tradeshow tickets for WPPI. We will have them available at the meeting as well. If you are interested, please send us an email, so I can tell Pictage how many we will need.
We hope to set a new Minneapolis PUG attendance record, so please help us out and spread the word! Pictage members and guests are welcome.
Details: March 11th, 2008 6:30 Social hour 7:00 Meeting Starts
email either of us for additional information jason@stajastudios.com stacey@stajastudios.com