Come On In and Stay A While

Welcome to the blog of Staja Studios. We are STAcey and JAson Thon, the dynamic duo (self proclaimed) behind Staja Studios! This blog serves as our way to keep in touch with everyone we know, like, and love. We thought it would be a fun way for people who know us to keep up with what is going on in our lives and studio, and a wonderful way for those of you who may have just met us to learn more about who we are.
We would like to bring together our professional and personal lives. You can expect to see pictures from our latest weddings, engagement shoots, portraits, etc. As well as some personal, fine art, family pics, and other projects. In addition, we will be sharing our "Cheers and Jeers", and other random ramblings about whatever strikes our fancy. In the future we are also looking for ways to make things more interactive, if you will. This may include voting for a particular marketing piece, contests, and various other activities.
Thank you all for stopping by, and don't forget to - Get Captured!
- Jason & Stacey Thon

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Happy Halloween

I know it's early, but Happy Halloween everyone!!! Today was a busy day. We got back late last night from a wedding that we shot in the Wabasha Street Caves (pictures to follow soon). After waking up this morning, we had a meeting with a couple that is getting married next August. It sounds like a fun outdoor wedding with the reception at an apple orchard! After that, we had lunch with my Dad and pretty much spent the rest of the day with various family members. We finished the day at a pumpkin carving party my Aunt had for the family. In "light" of the festivities, we had to put up a picture.

We hope you all had fun at any Halloween parties and wish everyone a safe and fun night of tricks and treats!

Be sure to check back for pictures from the wedding (they say the cave is haunted) and our little "Prima Ballerina".

Monday, October 23, 2006

Mom Couldn't Wait For Halloween

Hi everyone,
I got a little excited when Lauren's Halloween costume came the other day, so we just had to try it on and prance around the front yard! When we asked her what she wanted to be for Halloween this year, there was zero hesitation, BALLERINA! So off I went in search of a beautiful, pink tutu. It's not as easy as it sounds...the ones I found were so scrawny and limp no self-respecting baby ballerina would be caught dead in one. Anyway, next stop was the internet where I found the best tutu store ever. It's called Lily Anna for Girls.
They have the cutest baby tutus and all the fixins for fairy princesses too, plus they ship really fast.
Lauren loved her new dress and was quite happy being a girly girl for a little while. Don't let the tutu fool you though, she's got a mean streak of tomboy in there. She was pretty much done with the tutu by the last image.

Here are some shots of my pretty prima :)


Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Wild West

Hey Everyone,

In an earlier post, we mentioned that we had taken a trip to Las Vegas for the 2006 WPPI Conference. At the same time, we decided to make a little detour to the Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon. We had promised some pictures, but have been a little tardy in delivering. In order not to bore everyone with them all at once, we will sprinkle them throughout a handful of posts. We don't shoot much for landscapes, but the Grand Canyon was so awe inspiring that it was hard not to keep shooting. For those of you who have been there, hopefully it does your memory justice. For those of you who haven't been there, hopefully it may inspire a trip! In either case, we hope you enjoy.

In the depths of the Hoover Dam. These turnbines sure can create some electricity.

The Grand Canyon at the beginning of sunset.

Check out how colorful everything gets as the sun is setting. Simply amazing!

Be sure to check back for the sunrise!